🤪 Know any Spanish puns?

It’s the weekend and we’re feeling a bit silly.

Hola 👋

It’s the weekend and we’re feeling a bit silly. Here’s a Spanish pun for you!


(1) “Cuéntame” (tell me)

"Cuéntame" is the imperative form of the verb "contar" in the second person (tú form) and it means "tell me".

If your first guess was "dime", this would fit in this sentence as well! “Dime” comes from the verb "decir" which means "to say" in English. The sentence would be "Dime un chiste.", which also translates to "Tell me a joke."

Both "cuéntame" and "dime" can be used to request someone to share information, but "cuéntame" often carries the nuance of sharing a story or a more detailed account, whereas "dime" is a more general way to ask someone to say something.

(2) La Salsa!

Get it? Salsa 💃 like the dance and salsa 🍅 like the sauce? Okay we’ll see ourselves out…

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