📲 Return your Item

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🇲🇽 Spanish Quiz

Answers to the blanks:

  • Blank 1: recibo (receipt)

  • Blank 2: producto (product)


  • Recibo means "receipt," and it’s essential in many transactions, especially returns. Another word that could be used here is factura (invoice), though recibo is more common in this context for store purchases.

  • Producto means "product," which is the item being returned. Instead, you could use artículo (item), which also refers to an object for sale.

🇫🇷 French Quiz

Answers to the blanks:

  • Blank 1: ticket (receipt)

  • Blank 2: l'article (item)


  • Ticket means "receipt" and is typically used in stores. An alternative would be reçu (receipt), which is another common word for a receipt.

  • L'article means "the item," referring to what is being returned. You could also say produit (product) here.

🇮🇹 Italian Quiz

Answers to the blanks:

  • Blank 1: scontrino (receipt)

  • Blank 2: prodotto (product)


  • Scontrino means "receipt," which is needed for returns. Another option would be ricevuta (receipt), which is also commonly used but may be more formal.

  • Prodotto means "product," referring to the returned item. You could also say articolo (item) as an alternative.

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