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🍽 Test your First-Person Spanish

Who likes washing dishes? Not us! But we do like learning Spanish!

Hola 👋

Who likes washing dishes? Not us! But we do like learning Spanish! Check out this conversation between two people discussing one of the worst chores and learn the first-person translations for some commonly used words.


(1) “Tenemos” (We have)

"Tenemos" is the first person plural (nosotros/nosotras form) of the verb "tener", which means "to have".

While "tener" is the most direct verb to indicate possession, if we were to change the context slightly, you could potentially use the verb "poseer". However, "poseer" is more formal and is less commonly used in everyday conversations to refer to simple possessions like dishes.

A sentence using "poseer" would be more like "Poseemos una vasta colección de platos", which translates to "We possess a vast collection of dishes" and sounds pretty silly!

(2) “Odio” (I hate)

"Odio" is the first person singular (yo form) of the verb "odiar", which means "to hate".

Another word you could use here is "detesto" from the verb "detestar" meaning "to detest" or "to loathe". "Detestar" is a direct synonym for "odiar", both meaning to dislike something intensely. The sentence would be "¡Detesto lavarlos!" and would carry a similar sentiment.

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